Six Recommendations for Mobile Personal Training Equipment
Starting your own personal training business can be an exciting and rewarding decision but it can also lead to more considerations. Once you have committed to starting a personal training business, you need to decide the what, where, and how of your business.
No longer do you need to rent a building and buy the traditional gym equipment to build a successful personal training business. Now, you have the option to become a mobile personal trainer that either trains outside or in a client’s home.
Once you become a certified personal trainer, you can jump right in and begin mobile training. You can hold classes at a park, beach, or any location that is inviting to your clients.
What Does a Mobile Personal Trainer Need?
While you can put a client through a tough workout only using their bodyweight, the client may expect more. But this does not mean that you need to spend $10,000.00 loading up on all the personal training equipment options. You don’t need to buy every trending product to create a complete training program for your clients. All you need are a few select items that fit in the trunk of your car.
Group Fitness Circuit Training
When becoming a mobile fitness trainer who trains in a group setting, you will want to learn how to circuit train your clients. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a piece of mobile exercise equipment for each client.
With this strategy, the equipment costs will rise once you reach a moderate level of success as a fitness coach. Also, there is less chance that you will fit all the fitness equipment you need in the trunk of your car.
So our recommendation is to purchase one or two sets of each of the following items for your mobile fitness training business.
Here Are The Six Recommendations For Mobile Personal Training Equipment
Adjustable Dumbbells
You may not see another mobile trainer using adjustable dumbbells, but they should be. Adjustable dumbbells only take a couple seconds to adjust and can work for a wide range of clients, allowing them to have a more customized workout.
If you choose the right set, dumbbells will be the highest level of resistance training for your workout program. Training clients with moderate to heavy resistance is going to better align with reaching their fitness goal. While consistent cardio and following a proper meal plan may lead to weight loss, we as the fitness professional are trying to shape their body. We want to make sure we are providing enough resistance to develop lean muscle tissue. Dumbbells are a great way to do just that.
Adjustable Kettlebell
Using a kettlebell is a great way to offer moderate resistance while increasing mobility and core recruitment. Fitness professionals have recommended kettlebells for years, but they were not practical for the mobile fitness trainer to use in a group personal training session.
In the past few years we have seen a rise in demand for fitness equipment innovation. One such innovation is the adjustable kettlebell. This is a much more affordable way to include kettlebell exercises as a part of a strength training workout that is suited for your personal training business.
Resistance Band Set
Resistance bands are perhaps one of the greatest inventions in the fitness industry. Having a set of resistance bands will a lot of variety in the workout programs you create. You can even have people partner up and use the resistance band to make the workout more fun and create social motivation.
Purchasing a set of exercise bands will give you options for the client based on their level of fitness. They can either start from a more stretched band position or they can use a heavier exercise band to make the exercise right for their current level of strength.
Suspension Trainer
Want more core involvement in the workout programs you create? The suspension trainer is a great option for this objective. The straps adjust to the height best fit for each individual and offer different levels of intensity based upon the client’s starting position.
When performing pulling exercises, the suspension straps require glute recruitment to maintain proper posture. When using the suspension straps for pushing movements, there is serious abdominal, glute, and low back recruitment in an isometric contraction.
The suspension trainer can give a complete workout on its own, but is best used in a circuit workout.
Battle Ropes
Nothing brings out the athlete inside all of us like a good battle rope workout. Used with their initial design, battle ropes are a test of upper body strength and muscular endurance. Incorporating the upper body resistance with lower-body exercises without weight can be a great conditioning exercise.
If training clients in a public setting this exercise is a head turner and could lead to potential interest from outsiders. Never a bad thing when starting a personal training business!
Medicine Ball Set
Perhaps the most space demanding recommendation, but it is one the mobile personal trainer should listen to. Using a medicine ball is a way that a mobile trainer can use vertical space and when possible outward space.
Medicine balls are a way to incorporate resistance, explosiveness, and cardio into a single exercise. Wall balls or granny tosses are example exercises that will fire muscles and get the heart rate pumping.
Mobile Personal Training Equipment Your Clients Bring
With the recent need to increase sanitation efforts, there are some personal training equipment recommendations for your clients to clean and bring to each training session.
Foam Roller
Everyones best friend and worst enemy is the foam roller. While we still need more research to decide if it truly helps with long term mobility, we know it speeds up muscle recovery time and reduces DOMS. This makes it a perfect way to finish off the workout. Help your clients feel better in the short term and be ready the next time working those muscles presents itself.
Exercise Mat
If training on a flat surface, it is a good idea for your clients to have their own exercise or yoga mat. This provides a little cushion, grip, and a dedicated workspace for specific exercises.
Jump Rope
Encouraging your clients to have and bring their own jump rope isn’t just for the personal training session. The jump rope is an affordable, easy, and space saving way to have your clients continue the fitness journey when at home.
Want Your Clients to Achieve More Results?
Being a Personal trainer is an impressive start, but to help your clients succeed they will need nutrition guidance and planning. Have an edge on the competition and help your clients achieve better results with our Sports Nutrition Certification.