Build Bigger Glutes With Resistance Bands
How to build bigger glutes with resistance bands
Do you want to know how to build bigger glutes with only a resistance band? This is for you! Booty building has increased in popularity, with women and men alike following a training regime to sculpt out a toned and peachy butt; and we can see why. Strong, well-developed glutes are the foundation of a great physique.
In this article, we’re going to cover some of the best glute exercises that you can do with a booty band to get the glutes of your dreams. Let’s get started with the booty band workout for glutes.
How to build bigger glutes according to science
For building bigger, rounder glutes, understanding some of the basic science of muscle growth can help you optimally program your training. Bret ‘The Glute Guy’ Contreras, is the world’s leading butt building expert, having written his PhD about the science of glute training. Let’s look at some of his research to establish the key mechanisms for glute growth.
Hypertrophy refers to increasing the size of and growth of muscle cells. Scientifically proven, this specific style of strength training increases the size of muscle cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.
According to Bret Contreras, glute hypertrophy training is an exact science; following an evidence-based formula can trigger the three major mechanisms of hypertrophy to consistently and predictably increase the size of the glutes, as explored in a study published by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
The three requirements for hypertrophy
- Mechanical tension – the time muscles are placed under tension and the force created
- Metabolic stress – the amount of buildup of metabolites, blood and water in the muscle
- Muscle damage – the amount of micro-tears and damage in the muscle, caused by the resistance stimulus
It’s important to understand that the exact nature of these requirements: unfortunately, lifting sporadically, performing exercises you think will help, is not enough to grow the glutes. The glutes are notoriously stubborn and underdeveloped muscles because of our sedentary lifestyles – meaning they are difficult to isolate and grow from a substandard training routine. Therefore, many people complain of being quad-dominant, when in reality, they’re just not following an effective glute-focused workout program.
So which glute exercises trigger each of these mechanisms?
The best glutes exercises
According to Bret Contreras’ research, these are the top 10 best glute muscle exercises. His lab based te list on the amount of electromyographic (EMG) activity they produce, reflective of muscle activation.
- Barbell hip thrust
- Frog pumps
- Knee banded barbell glute bridge
- Rounded back 45-degree hyper
- Banded hip thrust
- Quadruped hip extension
- 4-3-1 dumbbell sumo squat
- High step-up
- Dumbbell walking diagonal lunge
- Extended range side lying hip abduction
*Choosing one resistance band exercise is not enough. When combining resistance band exercises, it creates a more effective glute workout. A glute specific workout will target the gluteus maximus glute medius, and glute minimus. It is important to remember to train all the gluteal muscles in this muscle group for the best results.
Some of these exercises require specialist equipment and may not be possible for everyone, particularly in the face of a pandemic that caused the closing of gyms globally. That’s why many people have resorted to home workouts. But can you still grow your glutes at home? Absolutely! You just need one piece of equipment that can be purchased here. Here’s what you need to know.
How do resistance bands work?
Resistance bands, or booty bands, are stretchable latex or material looped bands, that can as resistance. They have become more popular pieces of gym equipment for home workouts because they are light, portable and effective.
Resistance band training works similar to free weights with one key difference: they provide resistance throughout the range of motion, in both the concentric and eccentric part of an exercise, maximizing mechanical tension. This is because when using a resistance band in an exercise, it causes a ‘variation’ in the load being lifted throughout the range of motion.
Compare this to free weights that only provide resistance when working against gravity. Th difference is that we can use booty bands across multiple movement planes: frontal, sagittal and transverse. This creates glute activation recruiting more of the butt muscles – a more effective way to train such a large muscle.
This was supported in a study that was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine that observed the effects of using resistance bands in lower body hypertrophy training. The researchers found that a resistance band workout significantly increased EMG activity, particularly in the glutes.
Key benefits of booty band training:
- Warming up and pre-activation of glutes
- Helps the mind-to-muscle connection
- Acts as a cue in exercise, for example: opening knees wide during a squat
- Scientifically proven to increase EMG activity
- Multiple movement planes allow for maximum muscle fiber recruitment
- Effective way to create metabolic stress for a glute pump
Click here to purchase resistance bands.
Booty band exercises for bigger glutes
Now that you understand the basic science of glute hypertrophy and using resistance bands, let’s move onto the specific booty building exercises you can do from home and without weights.
Banded hip abductor 3 sets x 25 repetitions each
- Exactly the same exercise as regular hip abduction but with a resistance band rather than a machine
Side lying clam – 3 sets – 25 repetitions each
- Lay on one side and bend knees with resistance band above knees
- Move the top leg upwards trying to keep the rest of your body straight
- Try to imagine opening your leg at the glute, keeping glutes contracted the whole time
Banded standing hip abduction – 3 – AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
- Stand upright with a resistance band above your ankles or knees depending on the resistance of the band
- You can hold on to something for support
- Flex foot and abduct leg outwards until failure on each leg
Resistance band constant tension squat pulses – 3 sets x 25 reps each
- Resistance band above knees, squat fully down and then pulse to half way up
- The key is to keep your glutes contracted the entire time
Donkey kicks with resistance band – 3 sets x 25 reps each
- Keep spine neutral
- Kick your leg back with foot flexed
- Only go to a 90 degrees bend at your knee
- Put resistance band above your knees
Fire hydrant with resistance band – 3
15 each side
- Put the resistance band above your knees
- Keep spine neutral and hips square facing forward
- Move your knee towards the side of the room until it is parallel and back again
Key takeaways
It’s hard to build muscle in your glutes, but when you follow the right butt workout program and use resistance bands, you can make gains and build the glutes of your dreams.